Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Day 3 of US Road Trip

Bench along a trail in Bunkhead National Forest
AUGUST 25, 2018

Bunkhead National Forest
Once I left Birmingham in the early morning, I headed west towards Mississippi. In western Alabama, I stopped by a small park in the Bunkhead National Forest, called Natural Bridge Park, named after a large natural carbonate formation. This formation has eroded in such a way that it formed a bridge that reportedly has been used as shelter in Native American societies.

In the forest, there are several different rock formations accompanying the bridge, along with some small fire pits, picnic tables, and bridges that follow meandering cricks and hills. It would be an area that would be perfect for wildlife photography if I had the chance to spend a whole day there. Unfortunately, I had to move on to through Mississippi rather quickly to make it into my next stop in Arkansas.


Wapanocca Wildlife Refuge

My original plan was to stay with a cousin in Harrison, AR, but because he never got back to me with his address, I had to switch my plan into a drive through Mississippi, then crossing the Mississippi River into Arkansas. I ended up getting a hotel in downtown Little Rock, but before then, I was actually granted more time to tour around Wapanocca Wildlife Refuge.

This refuge was really scenic, marked with different habitat zones just like Bombay Hook, along with great views of the Arkansas countryside. I didn't get to see too many birds, but dragonflies were around for days.


Little Rock, AR

After having a decent time at Wapanocca, I continued west to Little Rock, where I had a good sleep and excited to hit one of my favorite spots on the trip.

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