Saturday, March 2, 2019

Day Trip to Antelope Island

Looking eastwards on Antelope Island
March 1, 2019

After a dry spell of not escaping Salt Lake due to work and other time constraints, my buddy Gerry and I took a spontaneous trip to Antelope Island, near Syracuse, UT. The weather wasn't the clearest, but an overcast day was better than the rain and snow storms we've been having these last few weeks.

It was my first time there so I was super excited to practice wildlife photography with the Antelope Island residents. Although we saw some deer and birds, the bison were the stars.


As we drove down the east side, we stopped at a few vista spots, from which I realized how nice of a backdrop my car would have, so I practiced some advertisement photography.


The last leg of our impromptu trip was Fielding Garr Ranch, an antiquated ranch built in the 1800s, now standing as a museum full of old farming technology like tools, furniture, and vehicles/trailers. Gerry and I were joking that in a hundred year's time, our great-great grandchildren will be looking at today's technology just as we marveled at the rusty doohickeys here.


After spending the rest of the afternoon at the ranch, we headed back out of the park, but on the way, a herd of buffalo were crossing the road, which is where I got the best pictures of them above.

Gerry and I actually wanted to scout out the camping spots here, but we were pressing for time by the end of our tour in Fielding Garr Ranch, but we can't wait to find them again next time we come out here.

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